
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Update 82


pokemonlover3457 removed from the ban list

pokemonlover3457 is now a mod



Friday, August 12, 2016

Update 81


XTXTORNADO1499410XTX removed from the mute/ban list

Removed pokemonlover3457 admin

change the age player ban from 16 days to 3 days

china4004 added to the ban list

pokemonlover3457 added to the ban list

GlowingFireflys added to the ban list

Vizeryn added to the ban list



Wednesday, August 3, 2016

just have to say sorry , since no one can forgive me.

[when i say no one i mean friends]

all I have been doing lately is looking up on the internet of what this thing is mainly and I have found it

this is the best fit of what this thing is.

what I wish for is for my friends I attack to forgive me and for me to say sorry , for me to clean up this mess , this evil thing comes out when I want to fix something or want help but nothing is working I usely panic and cant control my self , suddenly It feels like a time skip and notice there was some damage done , that's how it is more then 80% of the time.

there are 3 friends I wish to forgive me , if they can not then I don't deserve to build any game.

one of the friends is one I trusted and was even a admin in my game , but the self destructive thing is getting worse and worse each day , I only found out about this early in the morning.

I do not feel right to tell there names I do not want the world to bug them.

it will be hard since they block me and then others got hurt by them.

sadly again going to the hospital only made it worse when I went there so I can not go there.

Monday, August 1, 2016

the truth...

The reason I seem to go off and on strangely is cause I am in a lot of stress and depression ,
cause of this I have likely quit roblox , will only come back if this issue is fix.

but let me explain my whole story , the reason I seem unstable is because I have been [Neglect abuse/Sexual abuse] (note my sexual abuse is over since 5 years ago) , but my neglect is getting worse and worse , asking for help from others , and every one ignores me , all of my friends in real life left me cause some one there with keeps telling them too for no real reason, lots of my roblox friends are starting to neglect me.

but the other truth is... the one that calls him self darkness that seems to hack me isn't a hacker..
its a 2 personality that is made from the sexual/neglect abuse , this personality is seeking to destroy me , when it takes control of me and then goes away I forget everything that happens most of the time, it only comes out when I feel abused in some way or some one else is getting abused.

I made my games so I can make others happy ... but the issue is no one is trying to help what I need in this world it seems, because of that I'm shutting down all my games , I'm helping too much players but no one online or real life wants to help me , its too unbalance , every one gives me neglect so I can no longer give anyone happiness until at lest ONE person gives me the happiness I need.

what happened recently a friend that I trusted the most on roblox started to neglect me [not telling who but it was a friend who just removed me] it gave me too much stress cause the neglect curse is coming back so it awaked the evil personality thing in me , it tried to do every bad thing to that player and others so it could feed on more suffering [note this thing dosnt think like a human it scares me] and it did everything to make that player go away , and it did along with 2 others.

sadly I have started this month to self abuse my self JUST TOO STOP THIS EVIL FROM COMING OUT BECAUSE I FELT NEGLECT , this player that I trusted told me to stop , because I did it was able to come out faster, I keep asking for help ... but... there is a other bad news.

I keep on vomiting now each time I feel depressed or stress, and my stress is getting worser, meaning all the ones who have neglect me are now killing me , my body is failing me and wont stop vomiting and getting new health issues just from emotional pain.

I just want to say I'm sorry for all this , I wish to say sorry to my friends I lost from this evil monster in me that makes me not look like me.

I also can not go to the hospital since it makes me too stress there and for me to live I need to keep away from stressfull things , I am suffering every day and its getting worser.

just note that I have less trust at males , this is from me being around a only female family my life and having mostly female friends , this trust issue is getting worse.

game will only be back when I get what I need , 5 days ago I started to have this vomiting issue that wont stop from stress, I have been having diarrhea for 2 and a half weeks and it wont stop also made from stress , Ifor 4 days I wasn't able to eat hardly just ate 2 times in the 4 days perioid I hardly drink water cause I puke it out, I am not gona name the ones that neglect me , they think I'm overeagerating or doing this for attention but I am not , no one seems to understand my suffering.

I'm sorry for all of this I just need help , from non hospital , I need some one to love me but no one wants too , its making me latterly sick, I wont add the games until I have the love I need, when I do il be better and 90% of my health issues should be gone , some cant be sorry everyone.