
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

just have to say sorry , since no one can forgive me.

[when i say no one i mean friends]

all I have been doing lately is looking up on the internet of what this thing is mainly and I have found it

this is the best fit of what this thing is.

what I wish for is for my friends I attack to forgive me and for me to say sorry , for me to clean up this mess , this evil thing comes out when I want to fix something or want help but nothing is working I usely panic and cant control my self , suddenly It feels like a time skip and notice there was some damage done , that's how it is more then 80% of the time.

there are 3 friends I wish to forgive me , if they can not then I don't deserve to build any game.

one of the friends is one I trusted and was even a admin in my game , but the self destructive thing is getting worse and worse each day , I only found out about this early in the morning.

I do not feel right to tell there names I do not want the world to bug them.

it will be hard since they block me and then others got hurt by them.

sadly again going to the hospital only made it worse when I went there so I can not go there.


  1. Oh my God Josh this is horrible, just stay strong ok bro. you can do this, I forgive you almost everyone does, ok If your Friends don't want to forgive you, they are not true friends, I suggest you remove them from your Friends list, Josh I know how you feel, I too experianced Self-Destruction behavior for a few weeks, I can tell you, you will get through this, I'm here your fans are here. Maybe not those friends but.

    I swear you will get through this, and remember I'm here for you, so are many other people. <3 :)

    1. I think I may have found one of the users so maybe I can help:)

    2. there are like.. 43 possible choice... you likely got the wrong person and botherd them...

    3. but its your choice not mine so you can continue if you want, but it isn't my fault if they complain to me...

    4. well What I did is went through old Change Logs and looked for people who where not your friends anymore I got 2 now not sure about one.

    5. Josh its alright I don't know forsure if I'm gonna I was just asking if I could help, If you want to talk to me I'll be in a game you can follow me and then we can talk elseware :)

    6. ...change logs? what change logs? what are you talking about? theres no change logs in a roblox user...are you a hacker...?

  2. Replies
    1. *sigh* we lost another talented roblox creator

    2. ill miss project supercell and the tornado games made by josh
      and many others will too

  3. refund the gamepasses at least if you want to forgive everyone

  4. Josh you're hurting me by closing the game that i bought all those game passes to. Just hope you realize that.....

  5. Josh you need to move on man

  6. Forget about refunds, those are for greedy people. I don't even care if the games ever get re-opened, I just hope Josh's self-destructive behavior disorder ends and that life turns to a lighter side for him. #WeForgiveJosh

    1. How much did you spend? Probably none. If these are gonna stay closed I want my damn money back

    2. ^ To fucking bad you're not gonna get a refund, you greedy motherfucker. You chose to spend it

    3. Josh is only doing this for attention. I should't get harmed because of it. Stop blindly defending his like he's fucking Jesus

  7. Hey Josh,
    I know you are going through tough times and I just wanna say that I am so sorry of what you have to go through. I play all of your tornado games from the original one to the Project Supercell Remake. It saddens me to know that I may never get to play though games again as I have had my most fun times on Roblox with those games. I just want you to know that we all love you and just because a few people are being really crappy to you doesn't mean that everyone is. Thanks for all of the great times and remember that it is not you who is in the wrong, it is them. #WeForgiveJosh
